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    Interiors is our new Responsive Joomla theme that was created specifically to fill the gap in interior design and decoration services that are always in need. This gorgeous theme is fully responsive and easy to use.
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    Interiors is our new Responsive Joomla theme that was created specifically to fill the gap in interior design and decoration services that are always in need. This gorgeous theme is fully responsive and easy to use.
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Mit vielen tollen Gästen - Live-Music, Talk & Stand Up Comedy
Die total andere und legendäre Late Night Show aus Köln, Deutschland - Sichere Dir Dein Ticket für den 04. Dezember 2020n!

Wolfgang Hildebrandt und sein Late Night Show Team freuen sich auf Euch.

Die etwas andere Late Night Show

  • Live-Music
  • Stand-Up Comedy
  • Talk
  • Fun Fun Fun !!!
  • Wir feiern unter den aktuellen Corona Regeln
  • Stars zum Anfassen
  • Ruft an oder schreibt uns, das Ticket kommt
  • Wir freuen uns auf Euch


  • "Mitmachen ist angesagt - entspannen und ausschlafen könnt ihr am nächsten Tag. Die etwas andere Talkshow, sichere dir ganz schnell dein Ticket".
    -- Late Night Show Team --
  • ""Für mich war völlig klar, das meine "Hollywood Late Night Show" nach Köln muss.".
    -- Late Night Show Team --

Wolfgang Hildebrandt Quotes

Warp Theme Framework

Children are the future and when Children have no future, no-one has a future

WOlfgang Hildebrandt 1Wolfgang Hidebrandt Quotes ©

  1. Today is the day, not tomorrow - not next week. Today is the day to make a difference.

  2. A Smile is the beginning of peace

  3. Music is a universal language

  4. Children are the future and when Children have no future, no-one has a future

  5. Let's change guns into guitars

  6. I have dreams but I am not a dreamer

  7. The way of peace is always under construction
  8. The way of freedom is never a short journey, but most likely a long walk through valleys and mountains 
  9. Music is a universal language and for me the most meaningful instrument I have for spreading peace
  10. When Africa is in a good health the entire world is in a good health
  11. It’s sometimes difficult to attract interest and understanding, but as citizens of the world we must remain vigilant. Our selfish thoughts have never to pay a role in that. For it is in learning that only together we can make a difference and through our lives we will show others the greatness and service we might render
  12. When my neighbor isn’t feeling good – how I can feel good?
  13. Throughout all my travels one most one of the important things that I've learned is that's what may seem normal for you is simply a dimension for others.
  14. Faith is for now - Hope is for the future
  15. Non-violence is nothing for cowards
  16. Decisions means to make a difference
  17. I love walking in the rain, cause no-one knows I'm crying
  18. I'm sorry" doesn't cut it, take your butt in your hands and move on these situations
  19. Give Peace a chance and children a voice
  20. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, his race, his religion or his mentality. People learn to hate but they can be taught to love. Love you will find in every heart - let it out. It’s our duty to work daily in a non violence way for peace
  21. We must also learn, that while many will love your ideas and perhaps your passion, likewise many will embrace neither
  22. Let's build bridges, not walls. Let's build a bridge to a new day paved in kindness and respect for others
  23. America is my country, California is my love, New York is my soul and Cologne is my hometown
  24. Friendships are color-blind


About us!


Hollywood Late Night Show
Cologne, Markmannsgasse 7

Mo-Fr: 10.00 - 17.00


webdesign (c)Hollywood Hills Records


Social Media Links

twitter instagram youtube Wolfgang UnitedNationsSong HHR